
Our Story

We started our career in different fields but our love towards the internet, computers & observing the high market demand of digital marketing have bought us in this digital field. We stay in Kolkata and we started DigiFlys in 2021.

We are Google, HubSpot, SEMrush & Udemy Certified Digital Marketers and we believe to gain knowledge and experience through various ways possible.

In our career we always had an eager to learn new things, we never worked on any single area, we always tried to focus on every areas possible and gain knowledge in depth as digital marketing is a huge field.

Digital Marketing is like an ocean so we need to work very hard to gather all the knowledge that is possible (like watching various videos, practically implementing it, A/B testing, staying up to date, gathering information from our mentors etc.) but still we have miles to go.

Digital Marketing is a practical field so we developed our skills from the basic roots and then implementing it practically and checking the various techniques which worked and which didn’t.

At last we are very happy and delighted to start DigiFlys and work as a team together and help every business to grow online.

We always see your business as our own and work accordingly.

Our Team

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself”

Let’s start a new journey together

welcome to our team

Our Motto

Hard work is the most important key to success. Without being willing to work hard and put everything into a venture, business success is nearly impossible.

We, at DigiFlys will word hard for you so that you can stay relaxed. You just need to tell us your end-goal and let all other things taken care by our professional team.

We will deliver your end-goal within the minimum time frame which is required.

“Mindset is what separates the best from the rest”

Stay Hungry & Motivated

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